Humanit’hair Program
My name is Ingrid, I am a professional hairdresser and I have a passion for life, travel and people. For a long time, I have wanted to support a humanitarian cause that is particularly close to my heart: to allow and give the means to people in need to develop professionally while supporting their families.
With the support of the entire SYDOM team in Geneva and the Bambi Association, I can finally make my dream come true and help young Colombian mothers to realize theirs.
Together we have launched “Humanit’Hair”, a humanitarian project which, through the hairdressing and beauty professions, gives a chance to single mothers to start their professional life and to support their families.
Today we help Claudia…
Claudia is a 26 year old single mother who lives in precarious conditions with her two daughters Jelen and Nicole in the city of Darien. As a mother, she assumes a dual role, that of provider and direct guardian of her daughters. Her daughters have different fathers and none of them assume responsibility or care for the children. Claudia has experienced many economic difficulties and is unable to meet the family’s expenses.
Claudia is desperate to find a stable job to change her life, her children being her greatest motivation.
The HUMANIT’HAIR project allows to:
- Support Claudia in her professional training by offering her complementary specializations that will allow her to obtain an official diploma in hairdressing and to give her the credibility and confidence necessary to open her establishment.
- Help her find a location and finance the set-up, equipment and the first months of rent until she is fully autonomous.
- Visit her and other PROMEFA moms to teach them new techniques, provide them with additional equipment and encourage them in their future careers.
- Keep in touch on a regular basis, create a unique bond and provide her with the necessary support over time.
Estimated cost 2021 for Claudia’s training:
Colpsesos 18.260.000 or CHF 4’708.- of which CHF 1’573.- already funded
If you would like to help us make this dream come true and eventually help other single moms with the same aspiration, go to the “Donate” link bellow!
And don’t forget to follow @humanithair
Claudia’s salon at the beginning of her training

Claudia’s salon made with the support of the Humanit’hair project
Banque Raiffeisen d'Arve et Lac
Agence Collonge-Bellerive
Route d'Hermance 116
1245 Collonge-Bellerive
CH05 8080 8001 7198 8839 0