PROMEFA program for parents

Initiated in 2000, the PROMEFA program (PROgrama de MEjoramiento para las FAmilias) acts at the root of the problem: the precarious situation of the parents. The program promotes the reconstruction of the parents’ self-esteem and professional autonomy so that they can take back control of their lives and that of their families. The child remains at the centre of a cycle in which the family, the government, the social system and the private sector (donors) are all involved in the child’s future.

The PROMEFA program is dedicated to the social rehabilitation and vocational training of the mothers (and fathers) of the children housed in the “Bambi” homes through support towards active life, the creation of production units and socio-economic stabilization.

Estimated annual cost 2021 :

  • Bogota Colpesos 180.000.000 or CHF 46’400 – number of beneficiaries 80 parents
  • Darién Colpesos 121.575.675  or CHF 31’340 – number of beneficiaries 50 parents

The Bambi Association thanks you for your support.

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Banque Raiffeisen d'Arve et Lac
Agence Collonge-Bellerive
Route d'Hermance 116
1245 Collonge-Bellerive
CH05 8080 8001 7198 8839 0

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